Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Dallas Cowboys are Cursed.

After the Cowboys' embarrassing defeat at home to the Chicago Bears last night on Monday Night Football where Tony Romo threw not 1, not 2, not 3, but 5 INTERCEPTIONS, I'm convinced that this team is cursed. I think that the curse was placed upon them after their last Super Bowl victory in the mid 90s, and who knows if it will EVER end.

I was completely puzzled and at a loss for words as to what went on at Cowboys Stadium last night. The Cowboys started off playing solid defense and moving the ball down the field. But then came the awful turnovers. Dez Bryant fucked up his route, an in came an interception return for a TD, and things just kept getting worse and worse. Speaking of Dez Bryant, will this dude ever get his shit together???!!! He had some HUGE drops that had me wanting to smash my television into millions of pieces.

The Cowboys, are actually still sitting at a mediocre 2-2, and still keeping pace with the rest of the NFC East. But, it seems like their playoff hopes could vanish in a matter of weeks from now. Their bye is coming up next week, and after that they travel to Baltimore to face a team that is favored by many to be in the Super Bowl. Then they have to travel to the undefeated Falcons as well as the Eagles who are playing very well as of now too.

I hate to talk so negatively about a team that I love so much, but if I'm to be completely honest, I have absolutely no faith in the Dallas Cowboys at all. Even when they show glimpses of greatness, they seem to fuck themselves over by the end of every season. So unless some kind of miracle is pulled off, expect another below average, waste of a season my fellow Cowboys fans. It pains me to say it, but we all know what's coming. It would be a true blessing for the Cowboys to prove me wrong.

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