Friday, October 19, 2012

Take Several Seats, Jerry Jones.

The owner and general manager of my fav team (The Dallas Cowboys duhh) is really getting on my last nerves. It has become quite clear that Jerry is solely concerned with making money for his team as he has continuously pushed forward marketing plans that cruelly deceive the fans & the public into thinking that the Cowboys actually have a shot at winning anything, ever. Every year Jerry Jones falsely argues to the public that the Cowboys have "all the pieces" to carry home a championship, and every year they FAIL. And often miserably!!!

Jerry has too much control over this team if you ask me, and has been fucking it over since the mid 90s. It simply isn't fair or fun for the fans anymore, and is a key contributing factor in why Cowboys fans are less than enthusiastic while taking in home games. I mean can you really blame them??!!

This team has been stuck in mediocrity since its glory days almost 20 years ago, and it ain't a good look. If Jerry were smart, he'd step down as GM and do things for this team to make them legit contenders instead of talkin' that talk and not walkin' that walk. The Cowboys are currently 2-3 and seemingly once again going nowhere this year. I'm sick of watching my team suffer every year. Somebody put a stop to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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