Thursday, September 6, 2012

Kim K. Stoops to New Lows...

Apparently some drama broke out between Beyonce and none other than the most pathetic piece of shit on the planet, (drum roll please...) Kim Kardashian, at the Made in America Festival this past weekend!

The backstory to this one is that Jay-Z was being filmed for a documentary by Ron Howard, and that Kim tried to work her way into the spotlight of that documentary as well. This makes perfect sense since Kim has accomplished soooooo much in her career and has even more credentials all around than Jay-Z and Beyonce combined!!!!!!! Anyways, B was rightfully not feeling Kim's rachetness and took her aside to explain to her that the documentary was about her boo, and not Kim! Good for Beyonce for speaking up, someone needs to put that bitch in her place!

Anyways, Kim's plans to continue her social-climbing ways may have hit a HUGE roadblock considering the fact that Beyonce is clearly not trying to fuck with her DUMB ass in anyway at all. Rumor has it that Jay had to pull his wifey aside to tell her to at least try and pretend to place nicely with Kim because she is Kanye's boo. WOMP WOMP. Nice try Kimmie!! Smooches.

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