Monday, November 5, 2012

Tomorrow is Election Day!

And holy shit, I'm anxious. If I am to be completely honest and upfront, I haven't been paying enough attention to this election simply because I obviously know who I'm voting for. While at work today though, I read up in detail about Romney's stances on important issues, and I can firmly state that the notion of him being the next president of the United States is truly frightening. Anyways, I'd just like to share a link below that a good friend of mind sent me from the Huffington Post that shows what a passionate, caring man our President is, and why he must be reelected (among other obvious reasons). Please everyone go out and vote tomorrow. (unless of course you're supporting that piece of shit Mitt Romney) Every vote counts people!!!! LET'S KEEP OBAMA IN OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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