Monday, September 24, 2012

Where My Headphones At??!!

I've had the same, dreadful issue for years of not finding a great, durable, comfortable pair of headphones for my music listening pleasure!!!!! I listen to waaaaayyyyy too much music constantly for me to not have found a reliable enough of a pair yet, and I want to change this sooo badly!

I've had ipods, ipod touches, and now an iphone, and I can say with confidence that I have never been a fan of the Apple product ear buds because I usually fuck up the sound capacity or blow out one ear! I'm also frightened by the idea of dropping $250 on Beats by Dre headphones even though I know they're the hottest thing right now. They're a nice pair of headphones, but I've tested them out and honestly don't think they are worth that type of money.

I even researched thoroughly to find these pair of Koss headphones that I actually enjoyed quite a bit for awhile, but ofcourse one of the ear buds had to blow out like always!! UGHH. Anyways, I'm always so frustrated about this and just wanted to document my struggles in this arena of my life. I REALLY hope to find a pair of poppin' headphones soon that are semi-affordable, hold down bass like no otha, and are overall very comfy. Wish me luck y'all. Smooches.

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