Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Group Dinners...

At Dinner w/ my girls La & Kelz (was in the bathroom during this pic/ I'm obvi not on speaking terms with Kim anymore)

So I need to speak on the topic of group dinners. Everyone loves to get their Sex & The City swag up and go out to a nice restaurant with a group of their good friends and have a good meal, especially in a city like New York. But one thing that obviously always seems to arise is the issue of paying the bill at the end of this fab meal. It's always assumed that although you may only order a certain amount of food price-wise, you will end up paying far more than that in reality because of tax, tip, and service charges for the amount of people you are with and all that jazz.

Well, I'd just like to say that I'm getting TIRED OF IT. It's understandable to do so in some cases and for nice events, but I HATE it when I'm stuck with a group of people that don't have enough cash or whatever and I'm stuck to pay something crazy like 3 times the amount of what I ate!! It's absolutely absurd and infuriating!!

This very instance happened to me very recently when I in fact didn't even want to go out to eat but my friend just insisted that we had to. I was sooo annoyed and will never go out with a large group of people and him in particular again like that. My meal was probably about $8 and I ended up paying something like $30 and I AIN'T TRYNA HEAR DAT. Anyways, group dinners are fab so I of course won't avoid them all entirely, but beware my peoples, they are a dangerous thing sometimes!!!! Smooches.

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