Tuesday, November 8, 2011


So apparently Lindsay Lohan is doing Playboy or some bullshit blah blah blah.. WHY HASN'T THIS BITCH BEEN LOCKED UP YET????!!!!! She's constantly in the news getting in trouble with the law & I wish someone would just lock this chick up and throw away the key already to end her train-wreck of a life!!!! If I have to here about her one more time I'm going to hang myself from the nearest, tallest tree I can find. GO AWAY LINDSAY PLEASE!!!! Or return to your Mean Girls days, I could definitely fuck with that too.

Just look at her in this photo. She has that look on her face that screams, "Yea I've been here in court 5,789 times, but y'all know the judge ain't gonna lock my milky white skin up in no cell, so smooches to me. Anyways, Smooches.

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