Sunday, October 30, 2011

I Done Died & Gone to Mac & Cheese Heaven...

Saturday afternoon I had the pleasure of checking out this place called S'Mac in the East Village with one of my best friends. Mac & Cheese is my fav food in the entire world, (even though I'm pretty sure that I'm becoming increasingly lactose-intolerant causing me to fart uncontrollably- so hot I know!!!!) and this place served nothing but the heavenly, creamy, cheesy light of my life. We ordered 3 different types of mac & cheese and shared them all and I thought it was de-licious! My friend thought that the mac & cheese could have used a bit more flavor, which could have been true, but I really didn't give a fuck because I was definitely in the zone.

I just wanted to share this with anyone out there who is as much of a mac & cheese lover as I am, and to let you know that you need to get your ass down there now to try this place out because there is a haven for us to indulge in our wildest, cheesiest fantasies. Anyways smooches to S'Mac and I'm sure I'll be back there sometime soon!

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