Sunday, September 18, 2011


So today I went with a good friend of mine to see the movie The Help. I just finished the book which was great, and I was so glad to see that the movie was very well done as well. But of course there were some niggaz behind us talking throughout the entire movie. I don't think it really bothered my friend as much as it bothered me, but I HATE IT when people feel the need to explain out loud what is going on in every scene of a movie and that's exactly what these mutha fuckaz were doing. I swear to God I was about to jump over my seat and slash these bitches across their face but I decided not to follow the stereotype and get ghetto up in the Magic Johnson theater on 125th street.

I remember one time I went to see a movie there with my dad, and this family sat down and passed around tupperwear full of chicken and rice. I'm not one to hate cause y'all know I'm not tryin to waste my money on fucking $6 popcorn, but these niggaz were so loud! "Mama, pass the chicken and rice" was all I heard for the first half hour of that movie and they needed to shut the fuck up. But anyways please people keep your mouth shut during movies cause it's not cute and ruins that shit for everyone. I wish I could be the warning in the theater to keep the noise down in the beginning of the movie because I'd be up in the front yelling at each and every person in the theater like they owed me child support money. Smooches.

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