Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jesus Christ..

I think it's time for me to invest in some adult diapers because the Cowboys have me wanting to take a shit on myself week after week. The Cowboys started out this game miserably and I could not have been more pist off. They went down 14 points to the 49ers, who I know were 1-0 blah blah blah and are supposed to be improving or whatever, but c'mon guys, we're talking about the 49ers here after all. Romo got injured earlier on, I think he fractured his rib or some crazy shit like that. When Kitna came in and threw 2 interceptions I was sure this game was over. But Romo somehow got back in the game and lit it up when it mattered most. So I guess this week he's clutch Romo when he was the choke artist last week. Hopefully he will make this side of him come out more often but I guess we'll just have to see. The final score was 27-24 Dallas in OT.

I'm not getting too crazy about this win, but it was one that we definitely needed. I will say though that our running game is still nowhere to be found which is a bit disturbing. Hopefully that will change. Anyways smooches to the Cowboys, especially Romo, Austin & Witten who all had big games, and I really hope that Romo will be ok health-wise next week.

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