Sunday, December 4, 2011

You've Got to be Kidding Me...

Thank God I didn't watch because the Cowboys just lost to the CARDINALS in overtime, 19-13 and are now 7-5. This is a really bad loss because they could have got some space in between them and the Giants who as of now, are losing to the Packers late in the fourth quarter. Apparently Jason Garrett ICED HIS OWN KICKER at the end of regulation and called a TIMEOUT right before Dan Bailey hit a game-winning field goal. Dan Bailey then had to kick it again and of course MISSED. Jason Garrett should be shot for that. I'm pretty pist right now as you can see.

The Cowboys defense has seemingly been getting worse and worse over these past few weeks and it's starting to show. Their offense has also not been looking very sharp either, and that's going to be a huge problem if they want to even think about making the playoffs. And to be completely honest, the Cowboys don't even look good enough to make the playoffs right now despite currently being in first place.

The Cowboys host the Giants next week and judging by how they've been playing the past few weeks, even in their wins, they're going to really have to step up big time to win because they've not been looking too great at all lately. Thanks again Jason Garett for LOSING THIS GAME FOR YOUR TEAM!!! Oh and it looks like the Giants just tied up the game. Great!!

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