Thursday, October 13, 2011

This Has Got to STOP!!!!!!

So today I read an article about Vybz Kartel putting out a skin whitening cream for men and I've had just about ENOUGH of this shit. This has been something that's been on my mind for awhile because it's just really fucking sad for me to see. Our society is obviously controlled by Euro-centric values of beauty, and unfortunately sometimes there's no way to get around that. In the mainstream media especially, we are constantly force-fed images of what is supposed to be the standard of beautiful, which usually only consists of white people with straight hair. This is why we see so many gorgeous, fab, non-white models for example, marginalized in the fashion world, and why the only images of non-white beauty we tend to see are usually mixed with white.  Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of fine, white men and women out there, but there are also plenty fine people of all different races, colors, shades, and sizes and people need to start realizing that and stop being so ignorant!

It really upsets me to see that these skin whitening creams and pills are becoming more of the norm in our society today, especially in regions where darker skin is more prevalent. People that live particularly in places like the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean also equate lighter skin with wealth, which is historically obviously something that has been extremely common in our society.

But, HELLO are we forgetting about the QUEEN KELLYS and IDRIS ELBAS of the world??!!! Darker skin is beautiful and should never be put down or cast aside!! In addition to that, skin whitening products usually consist of really harmful chemicals that will permanently FUCK UP your skin! Why would you want to trade in your fab, smooth, delicious dark skin for some pasty-looking shit that makes you look like Casper the mutha-fuckin ghost??? And just look at these celebs above that have tried out skin bleaching, it is simply NOT a good look. Anyways, smooches and I hope that everyone realizes that who you are is who you are supposed to be (and that goes for plastic surgery too, unless your Ashley Simpson's nose job or Queen Kelly's tits).

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