Monday, October 10, 2011


And smooches to that of course. If you don't know what I'm referring to we obviously are not friendly at all, and if you see me being swarmed by the paparazzi in the streets, don't even bother screaming my name because you are in fact worthless.

So, I thought part I of Kim's Fairytale Wedding was pretty decent. To be completely honest, the K! Network could have solely filmed Kim taking a shit for 2 hours straight while receiving a golden shower from her disgusting ex, Ray-J, and I would've been sitting there with an enormous grin on my face because the Kardashians are my world, and they always deserve infinite smooches. I was hoping that Khloe would get in a physical altercation with Kris Humphries cause she obvi wasn't feeling him at all. That was some pretty decent drama & hopefully they won't work it out to keep the drama coming.

It was also kinda cute seeing Rob struggling with his "Porky Pig" issues as Lamar so eloquently put it, (love you always Lam-Lam!) and it was evident that Rob has certainly put on a few pounds lately.

Hmm what else.... I was actually shocked to see that Scott was showing a decent side of himself that we rarely ever see, possibly shedding a tad bit of light as to why Kourt is still with him (but we all know it's just cause he's her baby daddy).  But real talk, Scott is actually pretty fuckin hilarious when he wants to be. Anyways smooches and I can't wait till Part 2 when the actual wedding takes place!!!!!

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