Sunday, October 9, 2011

So About the NFC East...

So the Cowboys didn't play this week, (which is probably a good thing as I haven't had to yell too much at a television set today) and it allowed me to take notice of some interesting things about how the NFC East may be shaping up this season.

The Eagles shockingly thus far are royally fucking up at 1-4, as their "dream team" title is quickly fading away, and it doesn't really seem as if the Giants are for real as of now, judging by their loss to the Seahawks at home today, although they sit at 3-2. The Redskins stand alone in first place in the NFC East at 3-1 currently, but who knows how long that will last.

What I'm hoping to get at is that the NFC East seems pretty wide open at this point. This means that if Tony Romo could actually get his shit together at some point and start playing consistently, that the Cowboys may have a shot. But I of course know better now not to even think about drawing any positive assumptions about my Boys until they show some type of consistent play.

You can absolutely, rightfully call me crazy, but if the Cowboys went into New England and won next weekend, (a game that I will be high off of my ass for to reduce my stress intake) I have a feeling that a game like that could start pointing their season in the right direction. As stressful & dissapointing as this season has seemed at times for them, The Cowboys have only played 4 games and stand at an even 2-2. Things could certainly be worse.

Tony, I'm still upset with you about last weekend's meltdown, but remember, you have plenty of time to redeem yourself and I am open to returning smooches your way if you can get it together. Well anyways, smooches as always.

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