Monday, October 17, 2011

Recap of Sunday's Game...

Surprise, Surprise, the Cowboys lost to the Patriots in Foxboro yesterday. But no really, let's get down to what happened/ what the state of this Dallas Cowboys team is 5 games in.

To put it quite simply, the Cowboys are sitting at 2-3 right now in the wacky ass NFC East where the Giants are currently in 1st place with a 4-2 record, the Redskins in 2nd at 3-2, the Cowboys in third, and the Dream Team failure of the NFL so far this year, the Eagles at 2-4. It's not a great place to be obviously because they are under .500, but I guess it could be worst.

The Cowboys lost to the Pats, 20-16, as Tom Brady won the game on a late touchdown drive in the 4th quarter. To be completely honest, there wasn't much that I was angry about in this loss. The Cowboys shot themselves in the foot with foolish penalties, and weren't able to get their offense going as well as they definitely should've been able to against the Pats, supposedly one of the poorest defenses in the league. But the Patriots' defense was looking pretty damn good in this game in my opinion. But what I was equally impressed with was the Cowboys defense. They've been playing really well lately, and have been forcing turnovers and playing alot more consistently under Rob Ryan's new control.

I think this game really points to the fact that the Cowboys are very talented and have a good amount of potential, but are definitely not on the level of the Patriots or the Packers or anything like that. But that's ok, I'm willing to accept that for now. The Cowboys schedule is about to get a bit easier, as I think they have a home game against the Rams, play the Eagles & then the Seahawks (I might have fucked up on the order, mah b). I do think that the Eagles are going to get a bit better even though everyone says that they are a big failure so far, just because they have alot of talent on the offensive side of the ball.

But anyways, I'm guessing/hoping that the Cowboys may win around 9 or 10 games this season, and that may get them into the playoffs or even allow them to win the division, because I have a bit of an inkling that the Giants and Redskins will be exposed as simply mediocre teams as soon as they start playing some tougher opponents. But anyways I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Smooches.

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