Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Checking-In" via Facebook...

Although I consider myself a fairly "hip" 23 year old young man, technology in my opinion, has become a bit too invasive and much for me. I will be the first to admit that I am behind the times, and that I don't own a smartphone, Ipad, or anything like that.

But anyways, it seems that this new internet feature called "checking-in" via Facebook has become quite popular, and I honestly think it's pretty foolish. People love "checking-in" to places like restaurants, gyms, airports, and even their jobs which I think is ridiculous cause you know there are so many rocket scientists out there checking into their jobs late, and blowing up their own spots to their bosses that they are Facebook friends with. Shockingly, I actually do not need to know every single place that my Facebook friends are during their days, and you best believe that I will never be checking in anywhere even if I ever do get a smartphone because I think it's just fuckin' stupid.

When you think about it, this checking-in feature is a perfect way for stalkers to find out where their victims are headed for the day, and I wouldn't be surprised if one day someone gets murdered because they checked-in somewhere that they could be easily targeted. I mean what's next, are we going to be "checking-in" to our bathrooms every time we take a shit, or "checking-in" and tagging someone right before we fuck them in the privacy of our own homes? (Yes, I would probably do that). Anyways, smooches.

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