Wednesday, October 19, 2011

20 Things that I hate About the Work Week...

So the weather is really shitty outside, and I'm just in the mood to bitch about anything & everything that takes place during my week. I feel a big wave of complaining and moaning coming on so get ready to be blessed!!!

Here are just some of the things that occur during my week fairly regularly that I can't stand:

1. Waking up at 7am to take the subway to Queens every day.

2. Having to get on a fucking crowded subway every morning.

3. My job.

4. Having to replace an unlimited Metrocard every 30 days ($104). If I could I'd murder every top level individual within the MTA, I certainly would. Do you know how much alcohol I could buy with $104????????

5. Most of the people at my job even though I barely know them (Sure you may think I don't like them because I'm a hater, and you're probably right).

6. Sitting in front of a computer carrying out the same tedious, meaningless tasks in an online database for 5 hours straight every day.

7. Having to sit at a computer at work that is exposed to almost the entire office (most importantly preventing me from reading all my celeb gossip blogs & of course posting on here at work).

8. When people "accidentally" shove me getting on and off the subway on my way to work. How about I accidentlally shove you in the tracks when the train is coming??!! Mwahz.

9. Couples showing PDA especially on a crowded subway. Sometimes I just want to obnoxiously cheer them on over their shoulders to make them uncomfortable so they will STOP.

10. People who take forever to walk up and down staircases.

11. Not having a cup of coffee in the morning to wake my ass up even though I don't even really like coffee pissin' me off even more.

12. Listening to a hot song at work and being interrupted by something "work-related" (suck my dick bitch I don't care what you want me to do!)

13. Having to pretend to care about the fact that I may be running late to work in the morning.

14. Having to sit through TWO HOUR MEETINGS about DATA ENTRY at my job.

15. Having my supervisor trying to call me out during these worthless meetings because I'm CLEARLY not paying attention at all. 

16. Having to waste my breath saying goodbye to the people in my office when I leave for the day. I could have saved that breath to hit a blunt bitch!!

17. Listening to the people in my office debate over what to have for lunch (we all know you mother fuckers are only going to get KFC or pizza so please just shut up)

18. Trying to pee in the bathroom when it smells like someone has just taken 5,346 shits in the span of 2 minutes right before I have entered.

19. When my boss talks & his voice cracks like the nerdy teenage bitch that he is.

20. The bitch that comes into our office almost daily asking for $ for her morning meals. This isn't a fucking homeless shelter & you obviously have a job so STEP YOUR GAME UP HO!!

Anyways, smooches and thank goodness for the weekend!!!!!

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