Friday, September 9, 2011

The NFL Season Has Officially Begun!!!

And I am BEYOND happy!! Unfortunately though the Saints kind of got their ass handed to them by the defending champs, Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field last night despite their attempt at a late comback in the last seconds of the game. The final score was 42-34 as neither team's defense was really anywhere to be found all night, similarily to Lindsay Lohan's sobriety. I'm still surprised at how fucking good Aaron Rodgers has become and he deserves smooches for that. I gotta admit I'm kinda about his rugged looks too...let me stop.

Anyways, the only other game I'll probably post about will be Sunday night's big game between my beloved Dallas Cowboys and the NY Jets. I'm honestly a bit nervous for my 'Boys cause the Jets' defense is extremely aggressive and off the chain but hopefully things will turn out ok and Tony Romo won't get taken out in this exciting season opener. Anyways smooches to the NFL.

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