Thursday, May 5, 2011

Flaky People..

So lately I've made the conscious decision to distance myself from flaky friends of mine. Thankfully I was graced with an amazing group of close friends, but I think everyone always has a few friends of theirs that they know it is impossible to get a hold of, or to get to come hang out. You know the friend that won't call or text you back for like A WEEK, and always says things like "Omg we have to hang out soon" even though you guys haven't seen each other in like 6 months and live a short train ride away. I am announcing that I am soo over it. I'm putting my foot down!! If someone is a good friend of yours, they will want to spend time with you, and even if they're extremely busy, they will make the effort to block off some time for you, because that's what you do when you wanna chill wit ya niggaz! I hope all of you can make the wise, yet obviously difficult decision of weeding out flaky people from your life (made especially harder if it's a close friend of yours), because in the end it will make you feel better, and stop you from wasting alot of time and energy tryin to holla at peeps that just can't get their shit together!! Smooches.